
Watson Corby, Bob Gibson, Doris Bush Nungarrayi, Beyula Putungka Napanangka, Maureen Poulson Napangardi, Kitty Napanangka Simon

Bob Gibson Tjungarrayi is perhaps the most fascinating and unique artist to emerge from the Gibson Desert and indeed the wider Contemporary school of indigenous art in recent times. He lives and works entirely on his own with little influence from the other artists working at Tjukurla, 250 km from any service outpost. Bob drives to the art centre regularly and, leaving his engine running, drops his completed paintings at the door, grabs new materials and speeds away to his own country and beloved landscape.


I remember my joy seeing Bob Gibson's work for the first time several years ago. It was so fresh and alive - he was outside the mainstream of contemporary indigenous art being made across Australia. His work reverberates with his deep commitment to traditional lore and sacred country. Writer, Curator and friend Henry Skerritt says "Gibson's works are not simply unmediated depictions of country, but integrated and resolved extensions of cultural knowledge."


Kitty Napanangka Simon, born circa 1948 is many years Bob's senior yet her work bears a similar painterly aesthetic. Expressive brushstrokes and vivid use of colour puts Kitty among the most desired Central Desert artists painting today. Her work is simply beautiful. Additionally, this exhibition presents several artists from one of my favourite art centres, Papunya Tjupi, including the new generation artist, Watson Corby (b 1973) who shows two intricately detailed paintings with his own unique signature. Doris Bush Nungarrayi, Beyula Putungka Napanangka and Maureen Poulson Napangardi have been showing their work at JGM Art and now JGM Gallery for many years and never fail to delight us with their continuing ability to re-invent their Dreamings in the fresh, vibrant paintings they produce.

Selected Works