Phyllis Thomas Riyarr, Turner River, Pilbara Region WA, Australia, 1933-2018
GemerreNatural ochre on board100cm x 80cm
Phyllis Thomas paints the traditional body painting or 'cicatrices'. She also sometimes paints the scars made on bodies from incision made into the skin. These patterns are used for important...Phyllis Thomas paints the traditional body painting or 'cicatrices'. She also sometimes paints the scars made on bodies from incision made into the skin. These patterns are used for important sacred ceremonies.
She began painting with renowned artist Freddie Timms in the 1980s when he originally set up a painting group at Crocodile Hole, not far from Kununnurra in the very north east of Western Australia. This painting is based on Gemerre (cicatrices), scars that people receive as part of their induction into Aboriginal Law.12of 12